Do Good.
Feel Good.

Fueled by people power.

Everyone has the ability to give
back and do good.

  • Connection to others.

    Hands-on volunteer events build community.

  • Feel good high.

    The happy byproduct of rolling up your sleeves and giving back.

  • Ripple Effect.

    Little acts of goodness add up to create big changes nationwide.

Our mission.

Can’d Aid is a nationally recognized nonprofit that rallies volunteers from all walks of life to build thriving communities. Through our unique integrated approach, we distribute water, provide access and opportunities for underserved youth to experience music, arts and the outdoors; and protect and restore the environment. Fueled by people power and in direct response to evolving community needs, our programs create transformational impact.

  • We have also...

    Recycled the equivalent of 72 million cans.

  • For deserving youth, we have...

    Built 16,415 bikes and skateboards.

  • And that’s not to mention having...

    Donated 3,506 instruments.

  • And To top it all off we have...

    Donated over 3.1 million cans of water to communities post-disaster.

But We Can’t
Do It Alone!

Get Involved Today

Our team.

Can’d Aid’s Founder + Executive Director

Diana Hicks

She oversees all aspects of the growing nonprofit’s activities, including honing the big picture vision, keeping the Board informed and engaged, securing new partners and working to launch innovative programs. Diana’s many years of experience in the nonprofit sector, and her unconventional and entrepreneurial approach are changing the way people think about philanthropy. Hardwired to create a culture of connection, her passion and enthusiasm are contagious and have helped propel Can’d Aid to the next level.

Can'd Aid's Senior Director of Engagement

Sara Hannafin

Sara Hannafin is Can’d Aid’s Senior Director of Engagement. With over 20 years of development and engagement work for national and global nonprofits, Sara has a demonstrated commitment to building authentic relationships to secure diverse and lasting funding streams for the organization. She partnered with Can’d Aid at her previous position in the disaster relief field and was drawn to the mission long before she started working with us.

Sara has two incredible daughters, a mutt named Papa Max, and lives along the shoreline of Southern Connecticut.

Can’d Aid’s Director of Communications + Engagement

Alyssa Lile

Alyssa develops and implements communication strategies to ensure that Can’d Aid’s mission is represented through effective, cohesive and consistent messaging across all platforms. She also produces supporter communications including emails, newsletters and impact reports. In collaboration with the Senior Director of Engagement, she executes fundraising initiatives and develops strategies for donor cultivation and stewardship. Alyssa’s dedication to authentic communication and connection prioritizes meaningful relationships with Can’d Aid supporters and team members.

Can’d Aid’s Marketing Manager

Abbi Arneson

Abbi manages and implements creative and marketing needs for Can’d Aid, as well as coordinating public-facing programming. She oversees the long-term growth of our Music + Arts program and is continually working to streamline Can’d Aid’s behind-the-scenes program operations. Her passion for getting creative and empowering the next generation propels her efforts to continually strengthen Can’d Aid’s core programs.

Can'd Aid's Director of Programs

Logan Firehammer

Logan oversees the long-term growth of all Can’d Aid’s signature programs and develops pilot programs in direct response to community needs. She contributes to strategic planning, leads the program team, and implements monitoring and evaluation efforts. Her background in education and passion for learning fuel her efforts to continually strengthen Can’d Aid’s core programs.

Can'd Aid's Program + Community Engagement Manager

Josie Johnston

Josie coordinates and manages the program-related aspects of our corporate relationships, community partnerships, and volunteer engagement She assists in strengthening and streamlining programs, processes, and community outreach initiatives. Josie also manages and creates content for all of Can’d Aid’s social media platforms. Coupled with her previous experience in outdoor education and the non-profit sector, Josie’s love of learning and taking on new challenges makes her a perfect fit for Can’d Aid’s fast-paced environment.

Our Partners.


Fostering a company-wide “Attitude that Cares,” Journeys has teamed up with Can’d Aid to build thousands of skateboards for underserved youth in the US, Canada and Puerto Rico.

Ball Corporation

Through the Crush it Crusade, we work to launch sustainable recycling programs and educate consumers on the benefits of infinitely recyclable aluminum cans.


As a global leader in medical technology, services and solutions, the company empowers its employees to give back locally by partnering with Can’d Aid on volunteer projects.


Through Yasso’s Game On! initiative, we are building 800 bikes for underserved youth nationwide.