Get Involved

Join Can’d Aid and become a force for positive change in communities nationwide.

Through direct donations, volunteering your time, or participating in our fundraising programs, you can impact the lives of others and communities across the nation.


Can’d Aid is fueled by people power, which means that YOU are integral to our mission. Volunteering with Can’d Aid allows you to take an active role in making your community a better place. Whether you  join us to build bikes or skateboards for underserved youth, clean up a river or restore a trail – your time and energy make an invaluable difference and grow a movement of generosity.


Our GEM (Give Every Month) members are a passionate group of givers who have committed to financially supporting our work on a monthly basis. By becoming a  GEM, you help to ensure that we can continue to provide access and opportunities for underserved youth to experience music, arts and the outdoors; and protect and restore the environment.

Partner With us

Corporate partnership with Can’d Aid unites your company’s social responsibility goals with our commitment to helping communities thrive. Our customizable programs offer a turnkey platform for employee engagement and hyper-local impact. Join forces with Can’d Aid and magnify your corporate citizenship in a way that benefits your business, employees, and surrounding community. Together, we can drive meaningful change!

Become a Trailblazer

Learn more about our leadership-development program for high school students looking to make an impact in their community. Participation includes a four-week fundraising campaign with the aim of empowering younger generations to lead vibrant, healthy, and imaginative lives. Their efforts will provide local youth with bicycles, skateboards, art materials, and musical instruments.


Fundraising with Can’d Aid is an opportunity to amplify your impact through the power of collective giving. Whether you’re organizing a charity event or starting a personal campaign, every contribution fuels our mission to create positive change in communities nationwide. Rallying your friends and family around a common goal helps Can’d Aid provide even more resources and opportunities to underserved populations. Join us in the inspiring journey of fundraising, where every dollar raised helps build a brighter, more generous future for all.